Rotary Club of Surat - Rotary India

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Total Services 56
Humf - March

Nutritious food Healthy food distributed to 4 Pregnent women

Physiotherapy Workshop - March month

Physiotherapist from Cardiorespiratory department of Shree Bhartima. . .

Bal Aanganwadi

Nutritious food provided to children sponsored by Rtn Deepak Gandhi. . .

Bal Aanganwadi

Nuturitious food provided to children Sponsored & Voulunteered by R. . .

Bal Aanganwadi

Nutritious food provided to Children sponsored by Rtn Deepak Gandhi. . .

Hearing Machine Provide

A hearing adi was dispensed to Mr. Virendra Veragiwala by PResident. . .

Bal Aanganwadi

Nutritious food provided to Children sponsored by Rtn Deepak Gandhi. . .

Humf - February

Nutritious food Healthy food distributed to 7 Pregnent women

Physiotherapy Workshop - February month

Physiotherapist from Cardiorespiratory department of Shree Bhartima. . .

Bal Aanganwadi

Nutritious food distributed to children of Bal Aanganwadi, sponsore. . .

Bal Aanganwadi

Nutritious food distributed to children of Bal Aanganwadi, sponsore. . .

Prosthetic Hands installation

Battery operated artificial hand Hosts: All 14 Rotary Clubs of Su. . .

Bal Aanganwadi

Nutritious food distributed to children of Bal Aanganwadi, sponsore. . .

Bal Aanganwadi

Bal Aanganwadi - nutritious food distributed to children sponsored . . .

Bal Aangandwadi

Nutrious food distributed to Bal Aanganwadi children, sponsored by . . .

Sweater distribution at Mokhamal

Total 154 Sweater distribution done at Mokhamal and Bhed at Sabridh. . .

Humf - January month

Healthy food distributed to 9 Pregnent women

Physiotherapy Workshop - January month

Physiotherapist from Cardiorespiratory department of Shree Bhartima. . .

Womens Health Camp

Womens Health camp on Cervical cancer test camp has been orgaised, . . .

Bal Aanganwadi

Nutritious food provided to Bal Aanganwadi students

Sweaters Distribution at PremilaPuvaPrathmik Vidhy

Total 210 Sweater distributed at Premila Puva Prathmik Vidyalaya, H. . .

Bal Aanganwadi

Nutritious food has been provided to 35 students of Bal Aanganwadi,. . .

Sweater Distribution at Amalsadi

Total 370 Sweater Distribution at Utarubuniyadi Amalsadi School

Sweater Distribution at Ilav Ashramshala

Total 210 Sweater Distribution at Ilav Ashramshala, Kim, administra. . .

Bal Aanganwadi

Nutritious food has been provided to 35 students of Bal Aanganwadi,. . .

Eye Check up Camp

Eye check up camp has been organised at Primary School, at Paria Di. . .

Blood donation Camp

Blood Donation camp has been organised at Paria Dist. Olpad

Health Awareness Camp

Health Awareness camp has been orgnaised at Primary School, Paria D. . .

Bal Aanganwadi

Nuturitious food provided to Bal Aanganwadi children was sponsored . . .

Humf - December month

Healthy food distributed to Pregnent women

Physiotherapy Workshop - December month

Physiotherapist from Cardiorespiratory department of Shree Bhartima. . .

Bal Aanganwadi

Nuturitious food provided to Bal Aanganwadi children was sponsored . . .

Pal Bal Aanganwadi

Nuturitious food provided to Bal Aanganwadi children

Medical Camp - Vanz

Medical camp has been organised at Vanz - OH Nazar Ayurvedic colleg. . .

Eye Check up at Vanz

Eye Check up camp has been organised at Vanz, by Rtn. Dr. PP Mistry

Pal Bal Aanganwadi

Nutritious food has been distributed to 35 children of Pal Bal Aang. . .

Pal Bal Aanganwadi

Nutritious food distributed to Bal Aanganwadi children - sponsored . . .

HUMF - November Month

Healthy food distributed to Pregnent women

Physiotherapy Workshop - November month

Physiotherapist from Cardiorespiratory department of Shree Bhartima. . .

Pal Bal Aanganwadi

Nutrious food distributed to 40 children of Bal Aanganwadi

2 Students (Jeevanbharati school) Scholership

one of our member Rtn Tejas merchant along with his son Rotaract pr. . .

SSMGGJ Donation

one of club member Rtn Tejas merchant donated 9000/- amount to SSMG. . .

Pal - Bal Aanganwadi

Nutritious food distributed to 35 children of Pal Ban Aanganwadi, s. . .

CPR Training by Dr. Prashant Karia

The Rotary Club of Surat, in collaboration with the Interact Club o. . .

Pal - Bal Aanganwadi

Nutrious food provided to 35 children of Pal Bal Aanganwadi sponsor. . .

Humf - October Month

Healthy food distributed to Pregnent women

Physiotherapy Workshop - October month

Physiotherapist from Cardiorespiratory department of Shree Bhartima. . .

Pal Bal Aanganwadi

Nutrious food provided to 35 children of Pal Bal Aanganwadi sponsor. . .

RCC - Food Distribution

RCC lajpore sachin done food distribution at Suda Sector 13 slums a. . .

Pal Bal Aanganwadi

Nutritious food has been distributed to Pal Bal Aanganwadi total 35. . .

Global Grant Proj Toilets Construction Handover

Global Grant Proj initiated by RC Surat with Internatinal Partner R. . .

Global Grant Proj Handwash Station Handover

Global Grant Proj initiated by RC Surat with Internatinal Partner R. . .

Global Grant Proj Drinking Water station Handover

Global Grant Proj initiated by RC Surat with Internatinal Partner R. . .

Global Grant Proj Benches & Desks Handover

Global Grant Proj initiated by RC Surat with Internatinal Partner R. . .

Global Grant Proj Comp. Lab Expanssion Handover

Global Grant Proj initiated by RC Surat with Internatinal Partner R. . .

Amalsadi - Books Distribution

Global Grant Proj initiated by RC Surat with Internatinal Partner R. . .

Global Grant Proj Bath Area renovation Handover

Global Grant Proj initiated by RC Surat with Internatinal Partner R. . .

Gurunanak Hospital Dylasis Center Data

Dylasis center at Gurunanak Hospital, total list of patients Dylsis. . .

Fans Distribution at Amalsadi school

12 Fans has been handed over at Amalsadi School

RCC - Eye Check up

RCC - Eye Check up Camp

RCC - Eye Check up Camp

RCC Lajpore Sachin club had organised Free Eye Check up camp at Hai. . .

Lokhat Hospital Dylasis Centre

Dylasis center at Gurunanak Hospital, total list of patients Dylsis. . .

Pal Aanganwadi

Nutritious food provided to Pal Bal aanganwadi children on 21st Sep. . .

Dental Care Awareness Camp

Dental Care awareness seminar has been organized at Uttar Buniyadi . . .

Menstrual care awareness Camp

Menstrual care awareness camp has been organised to Uttar Buniyadi . . .

Butter-Milk Distribution

Butter Milk ditstribution done by Rotaractors on the day of Ganesh . . .

Miyawaki Forest Proj

Miyawaki Forest Project has been intiated, with Financial support o. . .

Blood Donation Camp - LP Savani Dhaboli

Blood donation camp has been organised joint proj with LP Savani sc. . .

Pal - Bal Aanganwadi

Nutritious food has been provided to 35 children by Rtn Umang Dalal. . .

HUMF - Sept month

Healthy food distributed to Pregnent women

Handwash Awareness

Training Conducted on Health Hygiene & Sanititation by Dr. Ajay Mah. . .

RCC - EYe Check up at Gujarati Kodiwad Patel Schoo

EYe Check up has been organised by RCC Sachin Lajpore at Gujarati K. . .

RCC - Eye Check up at Gujarati Primary School

RCC had organised Free Eye check up in Guajrati Primary School, Laj. . .

RCC - Eye Check up

TOtal 650 Students Eye check up was done from MD School, for 2 days. . .

RCC - Teachers Day Celebration

total 18 Teachers from nearby schools, were felicitate with Certifi. . .

RCC - EYE Check up Camp

TOtal 650 Students Eye check up was done from MD School, for 2 days. . .

General Medical Camp

Pal - Bal Anganwadi

HEalthy food distributed to Pal Bal Aanganwadi children, food was s. . .

Pal - Bal Anganwadi

HEalthy food distributed to Pal Bal Aanganwadi children, food was s. . .

RCC - Kanakpur Aanganwadi

Healthy & Nutricious food has been distributed to Kanakpur Bal Aang. . .

Pal - Bal Anganwadi

HEalthy food distributed to Pal Bal Aanganwadi children, food was s. . .

RCC - Jalaram Nagar Aanganwadi

Healthy & Nutricious food has been distributed to Jalaram Nagar Bal. . .

RCC - Kalyannagar Aanganwadi

Healthy & Nutricious food has been distributed to Kalyani nagar Bal. . .

HUMF - Aug month

Healthy food distributed to Pregnent women

Physiotherapy Workshop - August month

Physiotherapist from Cardiorespiratory department of Shree Bhartima. . .

RCC - Eye Check up

On Wednesday 21/08/2024 about 310 children were examined at Gujarat. . .

RCC - Healthy Snacks to Slums Area

Healthy Snacks has been distributed to Sachin Soda Sector Slums are. . .

Pal - Bal Anganwadi

HEalthy food distributed to Pal Bal Aanganwadi children, food was s. . .

Notebook Distribution at Ilav Ashramshala

Total 500 notebooks distributed at Ilav Ashramshala, Ilav, Kim is a. . .

RCC - Kanakpur Aanganwadi

Healthy & Nutricious food has been distributed to Kanakpur Bal Aang. . .

Pal - Bal Aanganwadi

HEalthy food distributed to Pal Bal Aanganwadi children, food was s. . .

Notebook Distribution at VT Choksy School

Total 1000 notebooks distributed at VT Choksy School to 200 student. . .

Pal - Bal Aanganwadi

HEalthy food distributed to Pal Bal Aanganwadi children, food was s. . .

Umam Aanganwadi no. 5

Healthy food distributed to 30 children at Umam Aanganwadi no. 5

RCC - Notebook Distribution

16 Notebooks distribution done at Sachin School to needy students

Water Saving Initiative

Rtn Meghal Baxi initiative at his residence on 28th July, in associ. . .

Pal - Bal Aanganwadi

Healthy meals were distributed to 35 children at Pal Bal Aanganwadi. . .

Pal - Bal Aanganwadi

Healthy meals were distributed to 35 children at Pal Bal Aanganwadi. . .

Kanakpur Aanganwadi No. 5 & 6

Healthy food distrbition to Kanakpur Aangawadi no. 5 & 6 children

Kharvasa Ashram

Healthy food distributed to Kharvasa Ashram children


Healthy food distributed to Pregnent women

Physiotherapy Workshop - July month

Physiotherapist from Cardiorespiratory department of Shree Bhartima. . .

Tree Plantation

Tree seedlings are transplanted generally for forestry, land reclam. . .

Pal - Bal Aanganwadi

Healthy meals were distributed to 35 children at Pal Bal Aanganwadi. . .

Kanakpur Aanganwadi No. 1

Healthy food distribution to Kanakpur Aanganwadi No. 1, children

Mega Blood Donation & Free Eye Check up Camp

On July 10th Rotary Club of Udhna with neighbouring clubs of Surat . . .

Umam Anganwadi no. 4

Healthy food distributed to 30 children at Umam Aanganwadi no. 4

Water distribution to Rath Yatri

water distribution to general public on the day of Jagannath RathYa. . .

Pal - Bal Aanganwadi

Healthy meals were distributed to 35 children at Pal Bal Aanganwadi. . .

Notebook Distribution at Amalsadi School

Total 1850 notebooks distributed at Amalsadi School

Notebook Distribution at Sri Valan Prabha Division

Total 1008 notebooks distributed at Sri Valan Prabha Division Educa. . .

Notebook Distribution at Chikhli Primary School

Total 1152 notebooks distributed at Chikhli Primary School

Kanakpur - Aanganwadi no. 6 & 12

Healthy & Nutritious food has been distributed to Children of Bal A. . .